All the older kids in my family pitched in to help buy the BEST Christmas tree ever. I think it’s 10ft. Here are some photos. It’s funny how our tradition has changed into all of us older kids sitting on the coach and pressuring the others to go up and decorate. When someone gets tired they sit down and say something like, “your next to do something.”

Me and Dad helping Mary put the star on
(Andrew– got some marketing in there for you)

Abby helping decorate the Christmas tree. (She especially remembered where all the candy canes got put. Even though mom said to put them high

Resting up after decorating the tree.

I think Bethany is just as tired. But she looks much better sleeping. I inherited the gene that makes you sleep with your mouth open. (That would be dad’s side of the family)

Jason and I putting up ornaments while comparing muscles.