Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Support Status

A big thank you for all of you that have joined my support team! I'm about 30% - 40% towards my goal!

Bring Me Hope Evacuated

Fire Reflection

Fallbrook Fire

Thank you all for the emails you have sent making sure that we are all ok in San Diego. Bring Me Hope was evacuated and we had several friends loose their homes. Please pray that God would use us to help those around us that are hurting and need help! I was driving through an area of my town that was on fire and it hit me how there are two types of people in Fallbrook. Those that are watching the fire on TV and those that are fighting it. And then I thought about the two types of people involved in the orphan tragedy. Those that watch the report on TV and say that's too bad. And those that are fighting for them. Those that aren't satisfied with children being abandoned. I have been so honored to work with many of you that are warriors for these children. Thank you so much for the honor of being your friend.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Re: Negative Feedback (Oct 07)

One of the most difficult things about leading Bring Me Hope has been the negative feedback. An email that cusses me out. A person upset that our video makes children look like they need rescued out of a dog-pound. Summer camp that is too religious. And an assortment of people problems and politics. I always tell people that my first year in ministry was more intense than 7 years in business. But I love it and wouldn't trade my job for any other in the whole world.

Recently someone told me that they were bothered that I was going to China to help orphans when there are so many kids to help in America. It didn't seem like they were happy at all with the work of Bring Me Hope.

Orphan discrimination makes me mad! I've heard this before and I feel like people don't realize what they are saying. If my parents hadn't cared about orphans outside of USA I wouldn't have my sisters that I love with all my heart! I would die for them. They have the same worth and value and beauty and wonderfulness as every other child. And I can't stand the thought of them having less priority to be helped based on their citizenship.

It is the same as the Tsunami. I was there just a month after the disaster and saw a morgue full of dead people that hadn't survived. I will never forget that. How crazy would that be if I was rescuing those people based on their citizenship? Paddling by people that are drowning because they weren't American. Every person has the same worth in God’s eyes. And God has chosen to bless America with a huge rescue boat- resources and influence. I say, let ALL the orphans on the boat.