Monday, December 24, 2007

A Secret Gift

Running Bring Me Hope is always interesting because we don't really have a steady flow of income. But ever since we start BMH God has provided enough money for EVERYTHING! Like this last summer we found out that we were short about $10,000. And within about 1 week I saw God open the windows of Heaven. People handed me cash, made pledges, mailed checks, offered to wire money, and loaned us money until it ALL came in!!!

The last several months have been pretty tight. But God ALWAYS providing. And as a team we decided that we won't do anything that we don't have the money to pay for. So last week someone made an anonymous gift to BMH (You know who you are :>) AND REALLY, REALLY blessed all of us. We all feel like we have a little breathing room for expenses. Thank you so, so much!


Nicole 妮可 said...

Praise God!

Anonymous said...

That's cool! I bet whoever God moved to do that was so glad to be part of blessing such a wonderful and worthwhile ministry...lovin' on God's kids!!!