We just started our last week of camp here in Xin Zheng. This week is going to be CRAZY!!!!!As soon as the kids got off the bus craziness started happening. Without warning, one of the girls had to go to the bathroom really bad and went on the grass. Many of them are incontinent and have diapers. I looked over and my sister was changing a diaper for an older girl who had gone poop.
When we got to lunch the bathroom lady started talking really fast and motioning for me to come in and see the bathroom. I told her I didn't understand what she was saying but she insisted that I come in. Once inside she told me through hand motions that one of the kids used the trash can to pee in and that it had gotten all over the floor and people would be slipping.
And all that happened within one hour. Right now everyone is at the pool. Later we will have a team meeting and I'm sure there will be many more stories.
But, these kids have CAPTURED the hearts of everyone here. I'll let you know how it goes next week!
Make sure to see the newest kids that came to camp. Their pictures and letters are really amazing! CLICK HERE
From Kunming Camp:
Goodbye day is always the hardest point of camp. Especially after loving the kids for a week and seeing them thrive in the love that a parent should be providing. One of the volunteers was explaining to his little boy that he was going home to America. The little boy named David replied:
"I can't find my home... I can't find my mom and dad..."
David (Dada Li) at camp:

-David Bolt
Tell Christy to update her blog!!!!!
Have a nice time in China...
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