Thursday, May 22, 2008

With heavy heart

Sometimes life is SO PAINFUL!!! I just got a call from my dad that Steven Curtis Chapman's family lost their youngest adopted daughter from China. Maria Sue Chapman. I'm so grieved by their loss. Their ministry has been such an inspiration to Bring Me Hope!

And as you all know, several weeks ago an earthquake claimed many, many lives in China- the worst disaster in 3 decades. Please be in prayer for all the families that are hurting right now.


Anonymous said...

Ooooooooooooh, no no no. Couldn't this have only been a bad dream. O Lord, please comfort that family as only You can do-- I can't even begin to imagine the intense grief of this for them. God has her right now though, in His beautiful arms...where one day we all will be. Oh how I'll be praying for them!! nat

Nicole 妮可 said...

how it hurts.

Pete said...

The Chapmans adopted Maria through the same agnecy that we used to adopt our precious Hannah. The most comforting thing is that she knew Jesus. She might not have had that chance had she not been adopted by a strong Christian family. She was loved so much during her short time on earth. God has Maria wrapped up in his loving, caring arms. She will await her family in Heaven....David, Bring Me Hope is so important. It could be the only chance at saving souls for Christ with these kids. It could be the only time they see Christs love. Thanks David