Phone: 760-723-5885 Email: Address: 2169 Green Canyon Rd. Fallbrook, Ca 92028
My Story
Have you ever had something unexpected happen to you? Growing up in a small community my goal was to build my own house and get married as soon as possible. Neither of those things happened, but that was my dream. I didn't care much about people outside of Fallbrook, and really didn't think about orphans. But when my parents adopted from China God began to change my heart. The desire to start helping orphans led me to volunteer in China for a summer teaching preschool for orphans. This was the best summer of my life, and also the summer that Bring Me Hope began.
Who is Bring Me Hope:
I decided that I'm really tired of trying to pretend that we are a huge organization. We are a small team of about 10 people that want to help orphans. And that's our story. Our office doesn't have an elevator, a phone system with extension numbers, or a room full of cubicles. We have one phone line (which we unplug when we want to send a fax) and our office used to be a guest house that we converted into a work area. Currently, I work at a Costco plastic table and have a thick piece of wood setup to support the weight of the monitors.
We are Christians and believe that God created every person with value. It breaks our hearts when children are rejected, abandoned, and abused. Their reality is that no one is coming for them. They have no mom or dad or family. And I imagine that you would feel pretty lonely all by yourself. We want to use the amount of time we have on Earth to change that as best as we can. We want to find little girls and boys that are down on life and pick them up and look at them in the eyes and tell them that they have value and they are loved.
Originally I thought that starting an orphanage would be the best way for us to help orphans. But some amazing doors opened for us to become an organization that runs summer camps for Chinese orphans. I'll always remember one of the very first camps we organized. An orphan named Ben spent the day with us playing simple games, singing, and making a craft. At the end of the day he told us that our day with him was the best day of his life. (Click here to read more about Ben and our exploration trip)
Ben's day with us turned into more camps and more orphanages wanting to send children which led to a need for more volunteers. People that would be willing to take a 1 or 2 week trip to be a camp counselor. So as you finish reading, please consider coming to China. I guarantee, if you come to camp and risk loving an orphan, you will never be the same.
Activities: I LOVE river rafting but don't get to go that often. Wakeboarding & air chair, body-surfing, and anything with water. Playing volleyball, soccer & paintball. Passions: Seeing lives changed by God! Family, orphans, experiencing God. Education: Bachelors and masters in Organization Leadership from Biola University Favorite Music: Newsboys, Matt Redman, Jack Johnson, Switchfoot, Adie, Crowder, Phil Wickham, Fernando Ortega Favorite books: 1. THE Book 2. Practicing the Presence of God- Because it shows loving God with everything! 3. Living Loving and Learning- Because it shows loving others with everything!
Favorite Quotes: "But Jesus said, "Let the children come to me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these." - Jesus
“I consider myself as the most miserable of all human beings, covered with sores, foul, and guilty of all sorts of crimes committed against my King; moved by sincere remorse I confess all my sins to him. I ask him pardon and abandon myself into his hands so he can do with me as he pleases. Far from chastising me, this King, full of goodness and mercy, lovingly embraces me, seats me at his table, waits on me himself, gives me the keys to his treasures, and treats me in all things as his favorite; he converses with me and takes delight in me in countless ways, without ever speaking of forgiveness or taking away my previous faults. Although I beg him to fashion me according to his heart, I see myself still weaker and miserable, yet ever more caressed by God. This is what I see from time to time while in his holy presence.” -Brother Lawrence
"It is the weak people who are cruel. Gentleness can only be expected from the strong." -From Living, Loving, Learning
That's a lil freaky....
....were you googling yourself?!?!?!?
We still like the one in Fallbrook the best!
The Strang Family
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