I just finished talking with Elilo. She is a young woman from Nagaland, India. Her ancestors were headhunters. Her parents both grew up as orphans. And now she wants to start an orphanage in her village. She has already bought the property and started construction.
I asked about travel to the orphanage and she said that on her last 9 hour bus ride to Nagaland they were robbed by bandits. She was scared for her life because sometimes people die. But they always face that danger when going through Hindu areas. Her life radiates Christ and truly reminds me of the quote from William Carrey, “Expect great things from God, Attempt great things for God.” (Her website is: www.nagalandorphanage.org )

Each of us has our Nagaland- Starting an orphanage, teaching overseas, becoming a foster family, adopting, mentoring a younger believer, or ... It looks different for every person AND it might not look too exciting. So think about it, what is your Nagaland? And are you willing to make sacrifices?
I am currently reading the story of Jonathan Goforth, a missionary to China. Before getting married he asked his wife if she would be willing to use the money he had saved for a wedding ring to send to a mission that God had put in front of him. Of all the most personal and special belongings someone could give up, it would have to be a wedding ring. And yet they both put God above ALL else in following His call for them.
Definitely a challenge to fix our eyes on Jesus and make Him the focus of our life!
Good times, -David
P.S. I was recently challenged by chapter 9 in Desiring God. Grab a cup of coffee and print out the chapter below for your next quiet time. It will be worth your time! http://www.desiringgod.org/dg/id172.htm
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