Tuesday, November 27, 2007

NBC & Olympians - November Support Update

Two years ago I sat across from a friend of mine trying to figure out how to get an Olympian to our camp during the Beijing Olympics. Any Olympian at all. Through some amazing circumstances we have Olympians coming to our camp and NBC has been covering the story. I uploaded their news piece below. Thank you so much for supporting me and making this possible!

And I just got back from our New Jersey and Pennsylvania tour. We were able to speak to lots of people about the kids in China. I know hearts were changed. Just before I left I had lunch with a friend that said that the 2007 camp left him wanting to adopt an orphan girl that is deaf. I thought about how normally a girl like that, especially that she was older and deaf, would not normally fit into someone's idea of who they would adopt. I was so encouraged! I remember when my parents told us kids that they were going to adopt. It didn't fit into my idea of a family either. But looking back their decision changed my life in amazing ways. And every day is full of adventure.

Bring Me Hope on NBC

New Jersey Photos

Adam, David, Kristen, Emmy, Christy, and Peter

David and Emmy

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

A Baby's Life- Last Update

My friend called today in tears to let us know that the student decided to abort the baby. She went with the student to encourage her to keep the baby but could not persuade her.
Thank you all for praying!

Monday, November 19, 2007

A Baby's Life - Update 3

From my friend:
Thank you for continuing lift this young girl and her baby up. She has not returned my phone calls for the last couple days. She is really mad at me for taking her to the Choices medical clinic for a sonogram, instead of taking her to get driver's license. After seeing her baby in the picture and her stubborn decision of aborting the baby. I just really need a break and do not want to have anything to do with speeding up her going to the abortion clinic by taking her to the driving test... I have been delivering meals for her for the last couple days. That is the only thing I can do for her now.

Friday, November 16, 2007

A Baby's Life - Update 2

An update from my friend that is helping the pregnant mom:

"PTL! The baby is still alive! Thank you all there so much for lifting up this baby and her mom in your prayers. It is definitely a spiritual battle. We had up and down moments. A group here is trying everything to save this baby. ... The mom had to postpone her abortion appointment since last week this time.

The mom- a young Chinese student who just got to US over one month is still very abortion minded..."

Monday, November 5, 2007

A Baby's Life

I write with happy and sad news. The happy news is that we didn't lose our home, although, we came very close. Thank you for your prayers!

The sad news is that this week a baby may loose it's life. I just spoke with a friend about an hour ago who is helping a Chinese college student through a very difficult decision. She just moved to America to study abroad and didn't know that she had gotten pregnant while in China. She most likely would have already had an abortion, but doesn't know how to do that in America. Please pray this week!

And if you haven't seen the movie Bella I would highly recommend it: www.bellathemovie.com - This movie just came out and shows the beauty of a life. Probably one of my top five movies!