Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Bring Me Hope on NBC


Nicole 妮可 said...

whoa!!! david, just watched the movie clip... all i can say is this.
God is sooo huge and sooo good!

Anonymous said...

Awesome, David! for NBC helping to make people aware of your ministry to the children! I trust and will keep praying that God will use it to get more people involved. Watching the clip made me want to pray specifically for those on the sidelines just looking in and thinking, "oh how nice" to being truly moved with compassion to see how they can get involved and really make a difference for BMH. I'm hoping NBC will do follow ups of some kind down the road to remind people who perhaps put things on a back burner. I think God is wanting to RUN with BMH into the hearts of 1000's if only we could turn the world's "volume" down so He can be heard. Please keep shining for your light is contagious!

scratchpaperthoughts said...

Hi David,
Just watched the clip. That's so great that NBC gave you guys some coverage!! The hope and prayer is, isn't it though, that people will be able to tell that it's not just the "olympic" spirit that you are banking on to bring hope to the 'hopeless' but God's Spirit, huh? :)

Did the news coverage bring more interest to the ministry? Glad to hear that things are going so well!!!

Mary Ann

Zac Marshall said...

What an awesome clip. I just visited your blog David and didn't remember that you BMH was on NBC!