Monday, December 24, 2007
A Secret Gift
The last several months have been pretty tight. But God ALWAYS providing. And as a team we decided that we won't do anything that we don't have the money to pay for. So last week someone made an anonymous gift to BMH (You know who you are :>) AND REALLY, REALLY blessed all of us. We all feel like we have a little breathing room for expenses. Thank you so, so much!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Matching Outfits

Thursday, December 6, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
NBC & Olympians - November Support Update
Two years ago I sat across from a friend of mine trying to figure out how to get an Olympian to our camp during the Beijing Olympics. Any Olympian at all. Through some amazing circumstances we have Olympians coming to our camp and NBC has been covering the story. I uploaded their news piece below. Thank you so much for supporting me and making this possible!
And I just got back from our New Jersey and Pennsylvania tour. We were able to speak to lots of people about the kids in China. I know hearts were changed. Just before I left I had lunch with a friend that said that the 2007 camp left him wanting to adopt an orphan girl that is deaf. I thought about how normally a girl like that, especially that she was older and deaf, would not normally fit into someone's idea of who they would adopt. I was so encouraged! I remember when my parents told us kids that they were going to adopt. It didn't fit into my idea of a family either. But looking back their decision changed my life in amazing ways. And every day is full of adventure.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
A Baby's Life- Last Update
Thank you all for praying!
Monday, November 19, 2007
A Baby's Life - Update 3
Thank you for continuing lift this young girl and her baby up. She has not returned my phone calls for the last couple days. She is really mad at me for taking her to the Choices medical clinic for a sonogram, instead of taking her to get driver's license. After seeing her baby in the picture and her stubborn decision of aborting the baby. I just really need a break and do not want to have anything to do with speeding up her going to the abortion clinic by taking her to the driving test... I have been delivering meals for her for the last couple days. That is the only thing I can do for her now.
Friday, November 16, 2007
A Baby's Life - Update 2
"PTL! The baby is still alive! Thank you all there so much for lifting up this baby and her mom in your prayers. It is definitely a spiritual battle. We had up and down moments. A group here is trying everything to save this baby. ... The mom had to postpone her abortion appointment since last week this time.
The mom- a young Chinese student who just got to US over one month is still very abortion minded..."
Monday, November 5, 2007
A Baby's Life
The sad news is that this week a baby may loose it's life. I just spoke with a friend about an hour ago who is helping a Chinese college student through a very difficult decision. She just moved to America to study abroad and didn't know that she had gotten pregnant while in China. She most likely would have already had an abortion, but doesn't know how to do that in America. Please pray this week!
And if you haven't seen the movie Bella I would highly recommend it: - This movie just came out and shows the beauty of a life. Probably one of my top five movies!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Support Status
Bring Me Hope Evacuated
Fire Reflection
Fallbrook Fire
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Re: Negative Feedback (Oct 07)
One of the most difficult things about leading Bring Me Hope has been the negative feedback. An email that cusses me out. A person upset that our video makes children look like they need rescued out of a dog-pound. Summer camp that is too religious. And an assortment of people problems and politics. I always tell people that my first year in ministry was more intense than 7 years in business. But I love it and wouldn't trade my job for any other in the whole world.
Recently someone told me that they were bothered that I was going to
Orphan discrimination makes me mad! I've heard this before and I feel like people don't realize what they are saying. If my parents hadn't cared about orphans outside of
It is the same as the Tsunami. I was there just a month after the disaster and saw a morgue full of dead people that hadn't survived. I will never forget that. How crazy would that be if I was rescuing those people based on their citizenship? Paddling by people that are drowning because they weren't American. Every person has the same worth in God’s eyes. And God has chosen to bless
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Just a Little Blood

Casualties yes! Victories a bigger YES! Three students made decisions for God with MANY more very close. We had the perfect platform to tell them that WE ARE ALL ORPHANS.
I have continued to feel God’s call to work with the orphans in
I finished my masters degree in leadership just before leaving for
And I’ve been thinking for some time that I need to start raising monthly support. A task that isn’t the most fun, but necessary. So, if you feel God’s leading, I would love to have you on my team that makes my work possible.
I’m also going to start writing monthly support letters. For YOU, about ME. All the struggles and joys and most of all--- SECRETS. :>)
Let me know if you would like to join my team. - My current goal is to find:
- 5 people to support $100 a month
- 10 people to support $50 a month
- 10 people to support $25 a month
- 10 people to support $15 a month
- 10 people to support $10 a month
Thanks so much!!!!
BMH Camp #4: "How does she eat with her toes?"

One of the girls that came to camp #4 was a little girl named Lina. We found out that when she was 6 or 7 she was in an electrical accident that left her without any arms. Sometime after the accident is when she was probably left an orphan. I remember briefly seeing her at the beginning of camp. But with lots to do I didn't really notice her until several volunteers started telling me about this little girl that could do anything with her feet. I had to see with my own eyes. And sure enough I saw a little girl that had overcome life's greatest obstacles and had taught herself how to live with just her feet.
First of all I remember seeing her eat. With chopsticks in between her toes she could eat everything on her plate and carry on a conversation like nothing was wrong. With larger items like an apple she would use both feet. She also loves playing cards- which was interesting when it came to slapjack. Instead of slapping the pile of cards with her hand she used her foot. This gave everyone a little motivation to let her slap first. She could also use a computer by holding the mouse with her foot. And the list goes on and on in ways Lina learned to overcome extreme hardship. But most of all we saw a little girl who wanted to enjoy life as best she could.
We are hoping to make a short documentary on her life and show it on our BMH 07-08 tour across USA and Australia. Also we're printing a 2007 Camp Newsletter with pictures and a full story.
If you would like the newsletter mailed to you just reply with your address.
And if you are reading this right now I want to personally thank you! It means to me that you really care about our lives as well as the children in China. That is a rare thing in a world that is so busy. I really appreciate you!
With much love!

BMH Camp #3: "Here is the children's heaven."
Week three went great! It was our biggest group with about 200 people attending. I attached a group photo so you can see how large that actually is. (Trying to find someone is like playing “Where’s Waldo?”) :>) We also had so much fun making videos of camp. You have to watch day 2 of this week…
But despite the large numbers, individual lives were dramatically affected. One of my friends told me how he had never imagined being an overseas volunteer, yet now he could see using his LIFE to bring hope to the needy. There is nothing more exciting to me than changed lives.
A little girl whom I have gotten to know within the past few years wrote me a note this week that said, “Your love made me a difference.” My hope is that camp is a place where kids can begin to let go of the past and choose love and joy for their future rather than bitterness and apathy.
Before I close I wanted to share two letters from the kids to their American buddies:
Dear Rufino,
Here is the children’s heaven; here is the place where the sun it rises; here is the hope of us. Not only I open my eyes but also I learn a lot of knowledge of foreign country. I also learn to toleration and I know what is love. At the same time, I also thank you for taking care of us.
Here I feel the warm of family which is I want to get all the time. The love is that I need. Meanwhile, I would like to thank Lily. (Translator) Because of her, we can have opportunity to talk with each other. The family feeling is wonderful!!!
Yours, Sam
Big sister! Since you said I just like your little sister, I confirm that you are my big sister! You are my family. And you, you are wearing my bracelet which’s carrying my whole heart. I hope when you’re not happy, you can overcome by thinking of me. Sis, although you’re only 21, although I call you big sis all the time, I do want to call you mom, a very young mom! From you, I get a special love, which never happened. I love you, mom! One more time, I love you, forever, very much love!
Dear mom, thanks for your love,

BMH Camp #2; "Please pack me up."

Another great week of smiles! But better yet, a week of changed lives! I’m so encouraged that camp is not just a week of fun but a place where people begin to dream of how they can change a child’s world. Several of the Chinese translators said that for the first time they began to think of adopting an orphan themselves.
Before I tell you about week 2, I wanted to take this moment to let you honestly know about a need we have for camp. Anna is managing our budget and she doesn’t think we will have any money left at the end of this week. Which is always makes things exciting when you have one more week of camp :>) We still need to raise sponsorships of $250 for about 40 orphans. If you would like to help, even in a small way, send me an email back letting me know. Also e-mail me your phone number if you are giving $250 or more and I’ll have your sponsored kids call you from camp. Thank you all so much!
One of my favorite stories from the week was about a little boy that we named Kevin. Right from the start he just fell in love with camp! His eyes twinkled the whole time he was with us. But through a set of circumstances the orphanage asked for him back just after one day of camp. With tears we asked for God to work out a way for Kevin to stay. We waited for the orphanage to come back for Kevin but Tuesday turned into Wednesday and then Wednesday into Thursday and then Thursday into the last day of camp. It didn’t hit me fully until all the kids had left for their orphanages and Kevin was the last one there. How good God is!
Here is an excerpt from one of the child’s goodbye letters:
“Tomorrow afternoon we have to say good-bye. Then we have to live in different lands between which the Pacific Ocean. …If you miss me a lot, please pack me up… Or you can buy me a computer, then we can have some chat on the internet. Just kidding. Wish you happy everyday in the States. Yours, Mark”
Don't forget to check (bring me hope diary)
BMH Camp #1: "She's my mom. And she is coming for me."
Also we started a Facebook so pass the word: Facebook ID: “Bring Me Hope”
There were several touching moments for me:
1. One of the kids kind of adopted me as his big brother. On the last day I wrote him a note that just simply said, "I love you!" I didn't know if he could understand what I wrote. But he quickly grabbed my hand and then wrote, "I love you too!" Later that day when my little buddy left to go home he held the tears back until the last moment before he left. I can't describe what it does to your heart to see a friend go back to orphanage care.
2. We had 3 little kids come from a really poor foster home. Everything was new for them, brushing their teeth, seeing water come out of a faucet... But before they came to camp their foster dad bought them a bottle of juice. One of the translators said that one of the little boys was almost out of juice and went outside to the tap water to fill his juice again so he could enjoy it longer. When he got to camp he kept asking our translator, "Are we in America? We are in America right?"
3. One of the things we do at camp is have the kids dress up for a camp glamour picture. We have a large picture of Snow White that some of the kids stand in front of when they take their picture. One of the translators asked an orphan if they knew who Snow White was. The orphan replied, "Yes, she's my mom. And she is coming back for me."
How many children are there in the world that are waiting for Snow White? And for so many it is just a fantasy.
We have just experienced one week of titanic emotional ups and downs but at the same time we love what we do with everything we have. Thank you all for your heart to help children. And I’ll send you another update next week.

The last week I have been periodically overwhelmed with how fun it is to lead Bring Me Hope. I leave for
When I think of the orphans coming I imagine all the smiles and life-long memories that are just waiting to happen. I can’t wait.
For the volunteers, both American and Australian, I am excited to see them experience God this summer. I know they will leave
With the college students, I just have no idea what God is going to do. We have seen some amazing things happen as they have wanted to know more about Jesus. Several have already made decisions! The camps are providing a God-given opportunity for our family to share the gospel with so many students!
Thank you for helping make this possible. There are so many lives that are touched through Bring Me Hope’s ministry including the volunteers, their families, the orphans, the translators, and myself. We may never know to what extent our witness will influence those around us and bring them one step closer to making an eternal decision. Thank you for trusting me with your time and money which has allowed Bring Me Hope to grow by 3 times what it was last summer! You are all an amazing support to me and I am so honored to be fighting for the lost with you!